Sunday, July 24, 2011

Guest Post- GreenIdMama

Made To Crave by Lysa TerKeurst
Guest Post By GreenIdMama

I am almost done reading this book, I thought that I would finish it today. But with 3 sick kids it just did not happen. 

So the day that I revived Made To Crave I was just thumbing threw the book, not looking for anything but just looking at it. While doing so I found the back pages intriguing. The quotas from the bible on the were speaking to me, for me to read them. My son had also started awanas, and he came home with bible quotes. I just found it strange how I wanted to focus on the quotes on the back pages, and my son had come home with 1 to memorize.

Made to Crave Participant's Guide: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not FoodSo a few nights later I went to start reading Made To Crave, but before I did I said a little prayer. Not sure why but I just had the feeling that I needed to do so in order to really understand and take in what I was reading. I opened the first page and saw her dedications and was touched. When I glanced over to the page next to it I saw in tiny little letters Worship and Love. For some reason they touched me. 

So enough about me lets talk about the book. I figured since this was a book geared towards weight loss that it could be used as a Book Club Book. While I was reading I was writing questions down, to find that after each chapter Lysa has a personal reflections spot. Which has good questions or thoughts to use for a Book Club. I love how Lysa writes as if she was writing in her personal journal or a diary. I also liked how she wrote things out then compares them to what the bible says. 

1 John 2:15-16 "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him. For everything in the world- the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does- comes not from the Father but from the world."

She then talks about how Satan lures us from the Lord. You have  read the book to really get what she is saying by this. How-

Cravings= trying to get our physical desire met outside of the will of God.
Lust of eyes= trying to get our material desires met outside of the will of God.
Boasting= trying to get our needs from significance not met outside the will of God

I just like how she brakes it all down for us, because if you sit an think of it. We turn to everything first before God. We as humans will turn to sex, drugs, money, and food before we truly give our selves to God. 

Lysa really makes this easy to read. Even for the non believers, too understand and who knows maybe they might become believers.

I think that Lysa has a great point our bodies crave what we eat, so if we eat junk we crave junk, if we eat healthy we eat healthy. So with that said we should all try to eat healthy for 14-21 days, then come back and see what happens. Don't worry about your weight during this time. I bet you will loose weight with out even knowing it. How much weight that is all up to each or our own bodies!

If you would like to learn more about Lysa go to her web page

I was given Made To Crave by LitFuse Publicity Group for me to review. 

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